I want to be able to position a series of movieClips along a curve of a cicrcle, well part of it. Basically I need a curved wall.
This is where I am at the moment, …not very close.
root.rot = -30
for (var i:Number = 1; i < 6; i++) {
var block = attachMovie(“block”, "block" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth())
block._y = 30
block._x = (block._width+10)*i
_root.rot += 5
block._rotation = _root.rot
Can anyone point me in the right direction
I think you may have be a bit more specific
there are papervision walls,
with basic AS you can get them in a curve,
lol, my sig has a link to a carousel which has MCs in curved path
if you check out the attached it might become shed some light.
I want to be able to position the mc’s around that circle, dynamically.
But you got it right on the nail about the papervision wall, that’s the end product, but I’m thinking if I get the current example working… I can transfer it easlily over to my papervision project.
The commonly used carousel code is also built upon the same thing… attaching images along a circle…
its done using Math.cos and Math.sin
am attaching a carousel… wherein you will find that code too 
hope it helps
sorry forgot to say thanks
‘carousel’ is the key word hey!
Got it working now, so much appreciated for the links