Positioning & Function Issue with Full Browser Flash

Hi everyone, I’m having an issue with getting external .swf’s to load and position properly in my full browser flash site. I used a template I created for an XML slideshow which worked perfectly, but now the positioning and stage listener doesn’t seem to work properly.

Here is the AS in frame one of the stage. Content is to be externally loaded into an MC called “container”. The problem is, the container is not showing up initially until I resize the browser or .swf window, and when it does show up, the registration point is all wrong. I put the loadMovie script on a button since it was not loading at all with a simple loadMovie script on a keyframe. This seems to load the movie properly, but once it’s loaded, not only is it positioned to the bottom right of the screen, it doesn’t move at all when I resize the browser!

Any help is much appreciated.



/////////////// Full Browser Control

//no scale

Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
Stage.align = “LT”;

//white background centered
whiteBackground_mc._y = Stage.height/2;
whiteBackground_mc._x = Stage.width/2;

//bottom nav centered
bottomBar_mc._y = Math.floor(Stage.height);
bottomBar_mc._x = 0;

//container centered
container._x= Math.round(Stage.width/2 - this._width/2);
container._y= Math.round(Stage.height/2 - this._height/2);

//EM logo top left
badge_mc._x= 0;
badge_mc._y= 0;

//counter bottom right
counter._x= Math.floor(Stage.width);
counter._y= Math.floor(Stage.height);

whiteBackground_mc.onResize = function() {
// white background is always centered
this._y = Stage.height/2;
this._x = Stage.width/2;

container.onResize = function() {
// main content is always centered
this._y = Math.round(Stage.height/2 - this._height/2);
this._x = Math.round(Stage.width/2 - this._width/2);

bottomBar_mc.onResize = function() {

this._y = Math.floor(Stage.height);
this._x = 0;

badge_mc.onResize = function() {
this._y = 0;
this._x = 0;

counter.onResize = function() {
this._y = Math.floor(Stage.height);
this._x = Math.floor(Stage.width);


AS for a button to load for testing purposes.

[AS]on (release) {

