Possible to do?

I am not sure if this is possible to do in javascript, i am not that expierenced with it.
i have a page with two links/buttons, each link/button is supposed to link to (as of now) a page identicle to the one with the links except it has a embedded quicktime movie. Now, i would like to be able to make it so when the user clicks on the link it plays the assiocted movie WITHOUT reloading the page.
Not a nessicity, but it would be kinda cool…

What you could do is have the movie in a layer on the same page as the links, but set the layers visibility to false then when the user clicks the link change its visibility to true and the page won’t need to be reloaded…hope this helps :thumb:

hmmm. sounds good, totally forgot about layers, are they divs?
One more question, how would i make the movie play? Since it would be a quicktime movie… any tuts on this somewhere?