I drive a 2002 Toyota Tacoma Pre-runner and sometimes i drive a 1989 toyota pick up. Those things run FOREVER! So what kind of hoopties do you guys/gals drive? Post your pics and descriptions.
OMG…u wont believe i was gona start this same thread [edit] (topic i meant) [/edit] minutes back…I swear…it’s like wow
coughcopycatcough jk
I have a Jag and a Viper, very nice cars, unfotunately they also have hotweels stamped ino the botom of them reducing their ‘cool factor’ a bit. My saturn seems to get me around while the old '65 stang is in the garage, recieveing it’s much needed restoration.
1985 Volvo 740 GLE
It looks good as new.
I used to drive when I stayed at home (Ford Escape XLT 2003), but I don’t no more. The joys of public transportation…aka walking
I have:
1987 924s Porsche (white)
1976 Corvette Stingray (orange)
1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo (black)
I have a 2002 Ford Focus ZTS (w. the sport package )
1987 Dodge Dakota ! http://www.mentalconcepts.com/marz****/PC090001.jpg ::: change **** to sh*t cept with i :::
That’s also a picture of my house… I use to have a 1991 Honda Prelude that sat 2 inches off the ground… But my friend wrecked it… :bad:
I’m looking into investing into one of those new GTO’s Teh uber shexi! :love::drool::love:
paradox - 65 stang? Im jealous. I want a restore a car like that someday, hopefully a chevelle.
hey my friend has a chevelle he was hoping to rid himself of, needs a slightly more economical car, cant for the life of me remember what year it is though.
btw is that bakersfield CA? I used to live in Hinkley just outside of Barstow not to far away from there
renault clio!!!
do you have the prerequisite, multi-colored flowers painted all over it?
How many Grateful Dead stickers are on it?
back in my days when I was a cop…
decided to spend my college money ($2) on my car, college wasn’t needed back then.
good things happen in vans like those :beam:
mine’s the yellow one in the middle:
They keep it local, I just walk outside my front door and hold my arm up, they bring my car up…
Oh, and it comes with a driver…