Post Your Images

well, why cant there be a place or forum where everyone can show off their work, no matter how funny, amazing, or terrible it is… well heres my first photo (i made it in flash to)

its not showing up…

i posted it smaller, but a little to small lets see if this works

*Originally posted by porpous2 *
**well, why cant there be a place or forum where everyone can show off their work, no matter how funny, amazing, or terrible it is… well heres my first photo (i made it in flash to) **

That’s what this section is for. =)

Your image is pretty cool, I like it. =)

I already posted this like twice… but what the hey, why not make your thread more image-y

so heres my first vector drawing ever…

more pics

somethings wrong with my comp… it keeps posting the same image no matter what… leme see what i did

um…isn’t that the same image as the ones posted above? :-\


no eg, i fixed it

trigger happy :slight_smile:


some aliens or monsters and junk

am i the only one postin images?

i should be doing hw =)

no, i did

i have about 75 more that i made, im dont really want to post them though… time for the hw ive been putting off till the last minute:)

i know you did, but anyone else other then me and you, oh yeah… i love your pic, have you tried flash, im a good animater and artist in flash, id be willing to teach you

actually that was in flash;)
im lookin into illustrator right now… dunno tho

anyway, yeah, if u wanna give me some pointers that would be cool

right now im goin to bed tho… email me if u feel the need, and visit my forums, its an art forum, well it will be if people ever join, but id love to get some more art up there… anyways, thanks for the compliment, i love your stuff too!


thanks a ton, hmmm do u have an aim sn, it would be a lot quicker there , well yeah i still havent started my hw:)