Powerfull VIRUS on ActionScript 2 or 3

Hey, i heard some rumors about a new virus, stronger then the h5n1 and more lethal then Ebola… And it was created on ActionScript 2 or 3. Its spreading like wild fire on the web. It seems to come in a “harmless” msg against George Bush and its “Intelectual Capacities”. From what i heard, it comes on a flash little program and when u open it up, all ur files, are gone!!! And not just that, but u also get some kind of flue that will not allow u to drink for 2 weeks and no sex for 4 weeks.
I am scared.
Just to tell u guys to take care…

Happy Aprils Fool.

what he said?

Run for the hills :lol:

men! they’re coming!:lol:

Run! run ! run ! :hockey:

And by the way, did u guys check my post on Flash 8? Need some help over there…


and no sex for 4 weeks

It got me then. I have to quit scripting