I hate preloaders!
Firstly with broadband, I can’t get a realistic test on them, and secondly, I’ve become adept at “breaking” them.
Is there anyone out there who can have a look at this fla file and tell me how to fix it so that it works please.
Thanks in anticipation.
Honestly, any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance
hey fellow blighter, i tried to see the problem, but i could not ascertain what it was.
This may not be what you are looking for, but you may get better understanding from here:
I am sure someone else here may also help
Thanks for the reply. The link you gave me was to the foundation stone of my project, only since I applied my magic (not!) things have gone pear shaped.
You were the second person who couldn’t solve the problem, so I’m hoping for third time lucky.
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