I dont know if that would work. In my mind the clips in your array are just names. As in just strings of letters and not the actual swf’s. Therego you can’t preload them the way your trying.
Saying that i’m not too clear on what your trying to do? Either your trying to lpreoad them all from the array or you want to know how you can show a loader bar when one of the swf’s is accessed.
If its the latter then you can simply include the script and the loader graphic at the start of each swf before the content in those swf’s.
Not saying this will work, but its what i’d change.
Put this in the root timeline, otherwise it will be reset on each onEnterFrame execution;
This applied to your root timeline also.
this.onEnterFrame {
if (!doneOnce) { // Does it once only. Creates a mc to hold each external swf.
for(i=0;i<myClips.length();i++) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(myClips*+"holder", 1200+i);
total += _root[myClips*+"holder"].getBytesTotal();
loaded += _root[myClips*+"holder"].getBytesLoaded();
} //for
for(i=0;i<myClips.length();i++) {
loaded += _root[myClips*+"holder"].getBytesLoaded();
} //for
percentage = Math.round (loaded/total*100);
//graphics nonsense here
if (percentage >= 100) gotoAndStop(wherever);
Well thats what i’d change, let me know if that works.