Preload images right after the other

Hello everyone,

I have a client who needs a flash front page which loads images dynamically one after the other. (ie. the effect they want is one image should fade in, then the next image should preload, the first image should wait until the second image is done preloading. Then once the preloading is done, the first image will start to fade out and the next image will start to fade in and so on for x number of images)

Is there a script out there that can help me out? I have tried this on my own but have not gotten good results.

Here is the link to the FLA:

And the example:


Hi DaDeVil,
i coded your gallery with an xml file. Use an xml file than You want to create galleries because it’s very easy to add new pictures without recompiling .swf. My code is not perfect because I wasted a half of an hour to code it. You can improve it.
Good luck!

P.S. add Your pictures gallery folder to unzipped folder. I didn’t attached it because it’s too big.