Preload is working and not working

hey there,

i made the tutorial you can find here but when i published my [URL=]website on the web, it takes some seconds before you see the preloader… Normally you shouldn’t see a white screen (i’m talking about the popup-window here…) but immediately the preloader. So, the preloader is working, but not immediately. How can I fix this?

ps: the website is not finished yet, duuh…

Sounds like there’s a lot of data to load before the first frame of your movie can be displayed. Test the movie inside flash (by pressing ctrl+enter) and open the bandwidth profiler (View >> Bandwidth Profiler) this gives you a break down of how many bytes each frame is.

Do you use attachMovie a lot? If so, any movie clip which is exported for actionscript in the library has to be loaded in frame one (just in case it is required straight away) this can often cause the problem you are experiencing.

The best solution I’ve come across for this is to make your preloader a seperate movie that loads your main movie into _level 1. This lets you have a v. small, quick appearing preloader loading a much larger movie

Hope this helps, let me know if you’re still having problems :stuck_out_tongue:

please, can you explain me how to do so? (about that level_0 and level_1 thing…) It would be a great help…

‘yes, i’m a newbee…’:nerd:

what sort of preloader are you after? one that shows the percent loaded, or one that works around what frames have been loaded so far?

for the preloader, see my first post (the link). I have added a small movieclip as you can see on my site. So no percentage of statusbar, just a looping movieclip.
My question is, how can i link the preloader to the actual website (still using that small actionscript). (so, where and what should i write about that level_0 and level_1)?



try this:

if (_level1._framesloaded>=_level1._totalframes) {
	_level1.gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
	_leve1.gotoAndPlay (1);

in the loader movie. Let me know how you get on :wink:

i have tried it with this script, but stilL the same problem…

What’s the thing with the levels anyway? Can you explain that please?


’other solutions more than welcome…’