Preloader actionscript help!

Hi there ! a kind friend of mine put in a loading bar for me, but it isnt working for me… i.e the bar just stays solid and it doesnt move from left to right when loading! (but the page loads correctly etc.) I was wondering if someone could have a look at this script for me and tell me if you can spot what is wrong?

MUch appreciated!!

Frame 1

setProperty(“pBar”, _xscale, 0);

Frame 2

// un-comment the lines 3 to 5 below, to calculate the actual file size
// remember to COMMENT frame 3 line 3 if your going to use below
iBytesTotal = _root.getBytesTotal();
iBytesLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
iBytes = (iBytesLoaded/iBytesTotal)*100;
if (iBytesLoaded == iBytestotal) {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 1”, 1);
setProperty(“pBar”, _xscale, iBytes);
sStatus = “LOADING”;

Frame 3

if (iBytes<100) {
// Comment line 3 below if your using the iBytesTotal and iBytesLoaded in frame 2 line 3 to 5
// iBytes=iBytes+2;
} else {
sStatus = “COMPLETE”;
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 1”, 1);

Frame 4

// Load your next action below, ie play or something
sStatus = “COMPLETE”;

Thanks in advance!