Ok this is my problem i have a movie clip on my first frame wich is less than 2kb aloneso i use this code in frame 1
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
lod = _root.getBytesLoaded();
if (lod=total) {
} else {
it works but my question is why doesnt my movie clip play? the preloader works fine it goes to frame 2 and all but it doesnt show my movieclip while its loading has anyone had this problem is there a way around it or is it a bug in flash please help im goin nuts
Your preloader shouldn’t work considering lod=total should be lod==total (you use == when checking if one thing equals another)
And… if you are previewing in Flash hit CTRL+Enter to preview the movie, and CTRL+Enter to enter Show Streaming mode so Flash can act as though your movie was being viewed on a low speed modem. You should be able to see your preloader then.
wow what one little piece of code can have me pulling my hair so it has to check its strict equality wow makes me feel stupid anyways thanks this solved my problem thanks beta