Preloader Help


I have a .swf i need to preload into another .swf

The preloader loads the movie fine (its around 4.3Mb)

But once its loaded, non of the buttons work?

These are my scripts

Frame one:

// Create a new Object. The Progress Bar is an object so needs an object function to work
myProgressBarListener = new Object();

/* Create a listener object event function. When the Progress Bar is complete and has preloaded this Movie, the listener will call and run this code below:   */ 
myProgressBarListener = function (eventObject) {

// Hide the Progress Bar - we don’t need it any more as the Movie has now loaded 
myProgressBar._visible = false;

// Remove the listener
myProgressBar.removeEventListener("complete", myProgressBarListener);

// Ends the function 

// Declares a listener. This detects when the Progress Component has loaded the Movie. Then when the preloading is complete it calls the function myProgressBarListener
myProgressBar.addEventListener("complete", myProgressBarListener);

// Set up the Progress Bar Component to polled when loading the Movie. This will give a polled look to the Progress Bar as it loads. It has to be set to polled to work
myProgressBar.mode = "polled";

// Set the location to load as this Movie.
myProgressBar.source = "_root";

Frame 2;

// Create a Movie Clip to load the swf Movie into
this.createEmptyMovieClip("myExternallyLoadedSWFMovieHolder", 0);

// A variable to hold the name and location of where the external swf Movie is located 
var myVariable = "Portfolio.swf";

// Set the Movie's location on the Stage
myExternallyLoadedSWFMovieHolder._x = 0;
myExternallyLoadedSWFMovieHolder._y = 0;

/* Set the Progress Bar to manual mode so that we can reset its value back to 0. We don't want it staring from 100 ! */
myProgressBar.mode = "manual";

// Reset the Progress Bar back to zero
myProgressBar.setProgress(0, 100);

// Show the Progress Bar
myProgressBar._visible = true;

// Create a listener object event.
myProgressBarListener = new Object();

// When the Progress Bar is complete and has preloaded the Movie, the listener will call and run this code below:
myProgressBarListener = function (eventObject) {

// Hide the Progress Bar now the Movie is loaded
myProgressBar._visible = false;

// closes the function

// Declares a listener that detects when the Progress Component has loaded the external Movie and is complete. 
// It will call the function myProgressBarListener when the external swf Movie has loaded
myProgressBar.addEventListener("complete", myProgressBarListener);

// Set up the Progress Bar Component variables
// Set up the Progress Bar Component to polled when loading the Movie. It has to be set to polled to work
myProgressBar.mode = "polled";

// Set the preloader source to show the progress of the loader Component as it loads the external swf Movie
myProgressBar.source = "myExternallyLoadedSWFMovieHolder";

/* This is how we automatically load the external swf Movie. We call the load Movie Clip event and load the external swf Movie into the Movie Clip we created through ActionScript */ 
loadMovie(_root.myVariable, _root.myExternallyLoadedSWFMovieHolder);

// Stop the Movie at the frame until the Movie is loaded

Any help would be much appreciated!
