This is my first post, so be gentle! I am a relative newbie to flash. I am having a problem with loading external movies. I can call the movies into my main “base” layer swf into the blank movie clip that I selected as the target. That works fine. The problem arises when I add a pre-loader progress bar to the movies that load externally. Maybe I am putting the code in the wrong spot, or maybe I am just an idiot! It is driving me mad.
Here is the code I am assigning to frame 1 of the swf that is being called into the main movie.:
onClipEvent (load) {
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
percent = int(loaded/total*100);
text = percent+"%";
if (loaded == total) {
I assigned this code to the movie clip of the preloader on the stage. I labeled frame 1 of the ext swf “percent” and labeled frame 2 “start.” What ends up happening is that there is a loop that never ends!
I took this tutorial from Kirupa and it works on the Kirupa FLA file, so I might have messed something up in the transfer.