Preloader movieclip

hi, i wanna know how do i insert an animation in a preloader…i dont want the clasical load bar progress…
when the page its being loading i need that a cube move
did anyone understand me?

im not an expert like many in here but i belive i can help with this one if i understood your question correctly.
its basically the same as the tutorials u can find in this site with a tiny tiny twist.
make a movie clip with whatever animation u want. put that movieclip on the stage and make sure how many frames your animation runs lets say 20 frames.

then in the first frame of your movie put the code:

bytes_loaded = Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(this.getBytesTotal());
if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) {

and in the frame number 20 you put the code:


when the load is done then flash will jump to frame 21 meaning u want to put the rest of your flash there. (u can change frame number etc in the code, just look for the number 21 and so on :wink: )

Hope i made some sense. I took the code from this url and modified it for your cause. If u get stuck its a good idea to read and try to understand the code:
