on the attach file i tried to build a preloader, but it only starts to show the preloader animatin at 84%, I really don´t understand why this happens
can someone help me please
on the attach file i tried to build a preloader, but it only starts to show the preloader animatin at 84%, I really don´t understand why this happens
can someone help me please
just put “_root.getBytes…” instead of “getBytes…”
“_root.” is very important
dosen´t work
any more suggestions?
when testing this movie go to “debug” menu and select transfer (maybe that’s the problem)
I just had a quick look alec myself, it seems fine to me without looking to deep. The problem is likely the fact that your not streaming your movie in the test area. That is goto > Debug > select 56k or 14k, THEN goto View > Show Streaming. Also for later, be careful if you decide to link things from the library for use with attach movie. As flash loads this stuff into a 0th frame which you cannot access. In short here’s just some tips for creating movies with preloaders.
Useful forum search keyword (regarding 0th frame problem):
‘export in first frame’
Anyway I hope that helps for any further development
Hey all,
Mindfriction was talking about having a “waiting” animation as opposed to a preloader.
Now surely if you have this animation playing, you are still going to need to use basic preloader scripting.Otherwise, what would tell the movie to go to the next frame of your movie, and how will it know when it is completely loaded???
Well quiet simply Davehead. If for instance you are loading a movie via loadMovie(), you may do something like this: (if loaded needs to be passed vars)
//start waiting movie
//load all vars from backend scripts
myVars = new loadVars();
myVars.onLoad = function(success)
if(sucess)//it loaded
loadMovie("myMovie.swf", "_root.target", "POST");//'target an empty mc, ie a container to load movie into
And within myMovie.swf
//when flash reads this movie must have loaded so stop waiiting animation
MAke more sense??
Great man,
That makes perfect sense.
The only thing is, in the last line of code in myMovie.swf, is “stop” the frame label in the waiting mc, if so (or if not), where must it be placed??
Thanks for the time.
yeah ‘stop’ is a frame label. Better to use them, makes the AS clearer
Oh yeah and the ‘waiting’ movie clip idea is just a simple way of ahieveing what you want. i’ll take a stab at saying the reason why your preloader starts at 84% for is because some elements in your movie have no deffenint size. …And here’s another idea that i used once in a flash app i made, why not make a ‘hour glass’ type tool tip, i.e. like the hour glass or some little mouse tip that comes up while your loading programs, and sticks to the mouse…
check out http://www.kirupa.com/developer/flash5/follow.htm
gee zelda looks kinda cool…
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