Preloader problems

dammit im getting fed up with this !!!

ok this is the thing. im using a simple loader

[COLOR=red]ifFrameLoaded (69) {_root.gotoandplay(3);}[/COLOR]

yu get the idea.

now from what i understand, after frame 69 is loaded it should play from frame 3 and on, so my problem is that, after it loads 69, it plays like the first 3 frames after frame 3 and then it stops in the middle of the animation. i see the green bar above (show streaming) thats still loading and is well passed 69 but the animation is still frozen. once the whole movie is loaded then it plays like normanl

any suggestions???


i try the same exct thing on say a wallpaper and it plays fine so i dunno

use getBytesLoaded and getBytesTotal. ifFrameLoaded is depricated.

sorry bout responding late, i didnt get an email for some reason…well in any case. whats the diff

and where can i learn more