Basically I was at first going to have five images using attachmovie inside the flash.
But I wanted to prelaod them all, no problem, however I wanted an intro, but this would not be possible as preloading from the first frame is only allowed using attachMovie, so that blows that out of the window.
So an alternative would be externally loading the images.
But what I want is for a preloader to preload all of the external images in one group.
Ok I can guess that these will not be updated for a long time so even maybe just preload five images in one set.
I have no idea how to approach this task, I have a random script in place, and a few other additions, but its the preloader I am strugling with in relation to my requirement.
Help please?
Anything samples, links to a tutorial matching my requirements, anything at all to help me solve this equation.