Preloader question

I have everything in Library exported to class and then in the Timeline, I just have only one layer:Action and I just call new Constructor to have item on the Stage.

I suspect that is the problem now that I can not have the preloader running. I have tried many code, some like these:

this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);

function onProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void{
var loaded:Number =;

function onComplete(e:Event):void {

but it seems function to get bytesLoaded does not work. Basically, function onProgress just runs once. If I remove the line that gets bytesLoaded, trace function print out as frame rate.

I have tried to have BIG image in frame 10, like all other preloader tutorial but still does not work. I use a working preloader program and then in the frame 10, paste my code along with items into library and then the program does not have preloader working.

Is there any idea what is wrong. Many thanks to you.