Preloader/transition for Dynamic files (need help getting text to show up)

i did the preloader and tranisition for dynamic files tutorial… it works great except for no text ever showing up.

i did a basic text scroller on the external .swf file, and also put some normal text on the top right corner… when i test the external .swf movie, everything works great… but when i test the whole movie, it does the content/transition exactly how i want it but when it loads up the external .swf it doesnt bring any text with it…

any help or suggestions?


Are you using a mask? Cuz text deosn;t always show through masks.

yeah im using a mask cuz thats what that tutorial told me to do… :slight_smile:

so is the mask not necessary?

did you embed your fonts?


you must embed the fonts…

ok… how do i embed fonts?

in your property panel, choose “character”


thank you so much… :thumb: