hello, can anyone help me on the *Preloader & Transitions for Dynamic Files * tutorial? how do you move this file into another one…for example on a flash site. i tried making it from the start but it doesnt completly work. i think the script needs to be changed but im not too good at that
You mean you are going to load my example into another movie?
well i made my own so i want to put it into another one
Then yes, you need to have a few lines of code changed.
Check this file:
whats different from this file?
I removed every _root reference and instead i used _parent for relative adressing.
so what should i do now?
Now you probably wont have any problems when loading this into another movie using the loadMovie action.
sorry im just starting in flash action script…how do you recomend i move the file into another one? and where should i put the loadMovie script?
Check these tutorials:
ok thanks