i have an external swf. that loads into a blank movie on my main page that has a preloader on it. the preloader is just a standard loadbar with percent loaded. when i test the external swf. the preloader loads and it works fine, but when i load it onto the main page it only shows up as a ull bar and the percent does show up, then it just loads the page. any ideas?
well if what ur saying is what i think you’re saying then here’s the answer.
Your flash player will show the loadbar working fine when you test the swf alone, but when you play the root movie with the animation link it just shows 100% and plays. Well when you stream the movie in ur flash player its gonna show you what the parent movie’s gonna look like when it gets streamed but since for now ur loading the swf from ur local host (your computer) then it doesn’t have anything to load so logically its gonna be at 100% from the door. As long as the swf tests fine when its by itself, then when you finally upload it to the web, it should play fine.
well i have already uploaded it and they preloaders still wont work. here is the link
click on the about and photos links and watch the preloader.
maybe ur files are so small the preloader isnt necessary
well the about page is 62kb and the photos page is 30kb. even if the file size is small you should still see the loader, especially if you have 56k.
I have access to a 56k and I see it. I can only guess without seeing the fla but it might be the code.
cause when i preview the external swf. pressing ctrl+enter twice the preloader shows up. but when i load it into the main movie the preloader bar does not go up it just starts at 100 and you dont see the text under the bar? whats up with that? ive tried using global variables _global.myAppMain = this; and changing all the _root’s to myAppMain, but it still doesnt work.
nevermind im a dumb ***, i figured it out, i did it with global variables, i put it on the wrong layer. haha.