Percentage Preloader with Load Bar

Hey all!

I have followed the Percentage Preloader with Load Bar tutorial. Everything seemed to go well with no problems.

I decided to customize the preloader and took the percentage preloder out and left the loadbar only.

Now the problem is that when I try the movie and click on the about link, the loadbar dosn´t show.

What did I do wrong?
Thank you in advanced.:trout:

from: Daisy

When you click on the ‘about’ link, is it loading a different movie? If so, you need to remove the ‘_root’ from the code, but that’s only if it’s an external swf.

Hey Freddy:)

When you click on the ‘about’ link, is it loading a different movie?

Yes as you can see in the two files I have uploaded.
on other words when you click on the about link it will load the about movie.

It loads the movie, but I can´t see the loadbar.

: Daisy:flower:

I’m sorry, I didn’t even see the attachment, I will look at it right now. I think your prob is simple.

Okay…I don’t know if you had a working preloader on ‘about.swf’ before, but, I think the reason you don’t see the preloader is because there isn’t enough there to preload. Even with the bandwidth simulator, the green box still would be enough to preload.

Sooooooooooo…I temp added a song and a picture and your preloader works fine. Something to remember - that I forgot before, when you loadMovie in test mode (ctrl+entr), preloaders won’t work; or at least they haven’t for me. So when you test a preloader on a movie that you will load in, test the external movie with the bandwith simulator by itself.

One more thing. I removed all the 'this’s from the preloader code. I didn’t check to see if it works with it, but I’ve never used it and the preloader will work without the 'this’s.

The preloader is working now:P
Thank you very much 4 your help:toad: :flower:
