Hi there, I hope you can help, I’m so frustrated with my website at the moment.
I have been given an avi video to be used as an intro. It needs to redirect after it has finished playing. So I converted the file into flv and embedded it into the timeline in flash (all 1186 frames!)
First question: is it necessary to put in a “stop” script if it redirects?
I didn’t think it was necessary, but if I leave it out the movie tends to loop. So I had 1 layer with the movie and a second layer with a stop action. I placed a key frame at the in the last movie frame and put in a “getURL” action.
Any it doesn’t work! So I fiddled around with it for 2 days or so, I don’t even remember what I did in the end, but I got it sort of working in flash, but when I put the swf in dreamweaver it doesn’t redirect. It just stops?
Please can somebody tell me how to do this because I feel like throwing my computer accross the room at the moment!!!
This file is about 2mb, it definately needs to preload and have a progress bar. Initially I managed to get the redirecting right by importing a wmv (but now it doesn’t work anymore) and I was able to preload my file using Flash components. On my computer it was working brilliantly and quickly, but the people that I’m making the website for are in Ireland and on there computers it was taking really long. The music started playing while the progress bar was there, and then when it reached 100% they were only able to see the last few frames and then it froze just before the end. For the preloader, I found a tutorial and used scripting from that.
I am beyond frustrated now and feeling rather dumb! I have never worked with FLV’s before and have been struggling to find info on the net that is relevant to flash 8, so any help and guidance would be greatly appreciate