Preloading external movies question - the preloader bar

hello peeps

i’ll soon have a base movie with some external swf’s that it will load using loadMovie

i want a simple preloader to show whilst each external movie is loading (i’m using the loader component, so it’s just a bar and some text)

what i want to know is:

do i have to insert a preloader into each separate swf, or could i just add some code to the buttons in the base movie to show the preloader?

i’m guessing the first point is the only way to do it because i can’t see how the base movie would ‘know’ the size of the external movie?

Hi (aupa),

Of course the base movie can know the size of the external movie!

Where do u load the external movies, level or MC?
once u use the loadMovie command u can check the bytesLoaded
of the container(level or MC). (Although is recomendable to give Flash a bit of time in between loadMovie and bytesLoaded check)



cool: i didn’t know!

i’m loading into level