Preloading multiple movies

Hi all!

I just cant seem to get my preloaders to work.

I have a preloader for my main movie, and it works great, but I have a problem. This is my situation:

I have an empty MC, holder, which exists inside another movieclip, called lower. When I click a button in another MC called menuanimation, f ex the “portfolio”-button, I set a variable called “film” to “portfree.swf”, the swf I want to load into holder.
Inside the lower MC,Inframe1 I have the code

I think thats correct, cause it works…hehe…

However, I want a preloader for that empty MC(holder) and I cant seem to get it to work!! Arghhh!


Well you could easily just put a preloader on each external .swf file.

And you can also write loadMovie as

And if you want you can also use this method of preloading dynamic content with loadMovie…