Hi Guys,
I have a problem that was similar to another on this board; but not.
I have a preloader (a simple one) at the beginning of my 200k movie. The issue is, the preloader does not appear until about 3/4 of the movie is loaded!
WHy is this happening? I know there is a way around it… any help?
It probably happens because you export clips in the first frame. 2 solutions:[list][]Don’t. Put everything in the first frame, outside the scene, and uncheck the “Export to 1st frame” checkbox. You don’t have to put them in the first frame, but the symbols have to be present on the scene before you can attach them.[]Preload your movie with an empty movie (just a preloader)[/list]pom :phil:
Thanks for the reply; I didn’t have anything on the first frame apart from the “percentagePreloader” and a biz logo (in the form of a movie), but that was all in the first scene; however there are other scenes.
I didn’t check the “Export to 1st frame” checkbox anyhow.
I have now put every symbol in the first scene on frame 3 (just like in the tutorial), but it still only shows the preloader after 25 secs and it is already up to 40%
Im not sure what you mean by “Preload your movie with an empty movie (just a preloader)”?