Print button

Hi, I want to make a button in flash mx so that I can print just a picture. I tried using the print function and as far as I can see I can’t specify a path. I also tried trough getURL and printing from there but is there an easier way so that I could just click on the print button from flash and have it print out a picture from my folder without going through another program? Thanks for any help.

Not from your folder, what you want to print has to be in the fla/swf.

In your _root timeline, put !#p to disallow printing for the entire main timeline in 1st frame label. stop() action on this frame.
2nd frame, put a grapic the size you want your printout to be, label this frame #b , stands for bounding box, size of this will dictate size of printout…

Put your picture into an independent, invisible clip.
Then, select the keyframe, in the label (property inspector), put #p the allow printing. Name this clip instance (image_mc)…

Put a button in _root, action:
if($version!=""){ //checks if the player version has the print feature
print(“image_mc”, “bframe”); //2 other possibilities: bmovie & bmax, read the help on printing…

Thank you very much! I will try this out. You have saved me a lot of time.=)