I’ve been asked to do some work for print, but I’ve only ever done web-based design/animation before. Other than the fact I should be using a CMYK instead of RGB palette I wouldn’t have a clue what the differences or things I should watch out for are! E.g. setting page gutters for the printers, etc. etc. Can anyone point me in the direction of any good places to start out?
I’ll admit I haven’t searched the forum yet (naughty wolfboy!!) so will do that now, but would be very grateful for any advice/links.
My first suggestion is to get in touch with the person that is going to be printing the project so he can tell you the guidelines you have to follow in order to have it printed well, like margins sizes, bleeding and other whatnot so thats the first step after that its off to desing and print good luck :thumb:
If you’re doing stuff in Photoshop, work in RGB until you’re ready to be done, then convert to CMYK. Much of Photoshop’s filters and effects don’t work in CMYK mode, only RGB.
Also, note that you should print often from your own printer, to get a better sense of what it’s going to look like when finished. Things look much different on the printed page than on the computer screens - and I’m not just talking about color.
Spacing is different - what works in the realm of a desktop often sucks when on a the page.