RGB is used mainly for web applications. For print you should be using CMYK for the best results. Also make sure the resolution is atleast 300 dpi as well.
If you’re having this done at a professional print shop then they should know what specifications are needed to print the flyer. You shouldn’t even have to worry about all this, just give them the file and they’ll make the correct adjustments.
Some print shops don’t have their equipment calibrated for both CMYK & RGB so
before you create your next piece of art ask some questions because once you request resizing or any corrections to be made you may be charged extra by the shops onsite digital artist . Also some colors will still print hotter or cooler even after switching modes from RGB to CMYK for example an “aqua blue” may print
near “purple” .
Ask about:
File Format- PSD,JPG,PDF( pdf is friendlier for resizing for some shops)
2.DPI -if you need to print larger than original you need more .300 is great but 150 will work fine, 600 is max some will allow.
3.RGB ( usually for video) or CMYK( usually for print)
Did you print your file to your own printer for comparison? Obviously if your CMYK blue = blue and their CMYK blue = purple (or whatever) then they have a problem. However, if you can’t print it they way you like it yourself, then you have to adjust the colours accordingly.
Remember the primary difference between colours on paper and on screen. Paper relies on reflecting light and displaying the colours accordingly. Screen has a light source behind the image so projects the colours.
The main difference therefore is intensity of colour.
well … i contacted the dtp-dude at the shop and asked him if
the print would be better if i used CMYK-colour …
he said it wouldn’t make a big difference and that the printed
flyer will never look the same as on my pc because they use
different equipement (or some like that
furthermore he said the only way to get it right on paper is to
go to a professional press/print company (which will cost a fortune i think)
so i will check my local yellow pages to see if i can find some
professional press/print companies and check/compare their
prices …