Hello all, I’ll start out by saying that I don’t have much experience in AS3 as compared to AS2 but I’m slowly but surely making my transition. Right now I’m having a quirky problem that I was wondering if someone could help me with. Here’s the setup :
I have a movie clip called base, which houses a bunch of uiloader components, that load images. There are several ‘pages’ which are populated by changing the source property of the components when you click next/prev page. I’ve added an option to print these pages, and everything goes fine when printing a single page. However, when I want to print all of them, the print goes through before the images fully load. I seem to have trouble getting the printjob to addPage ONLY when the uiloaders finish loading.
the current script :
for(var a=curpage;a<maxpage;a++) // loops through 'pages'
flipPage(); // populates current page with images
I’ve tried doing something like this :
for(var a=curpage;a<maxpage;a++) // loops through 'pages'
flipPage(); // populates current page with images
while(labels[6][1].imgLoader.percentLoaded==100) //The last instance to load anything
But it seems to just skip over it. I’ve checked the value of percentLoaded and it **does **eventually reach 100 - it just seems that the timing is a bit funny and the pages never add.
function addprintpage(e)
Doesn’t work either. The print dialog comes up, but nothing prints afterwards (I’m assuming because no pages were successfully added)
Any suggestions?