Problem appearing in published movie, but not in timeline

[FONT=verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000]Hi all,

I have this flash file for a website that needs editing. However, I know next to nothing about Flash (I still have Flash 8, so that tells you alot).

Anyway…I have made the edits, and as far as I can tell, the bits I have edited haven’t changed where the problem occurs.

Basically, theres 2 ‘slides’, you click ‘next’ and the 1 slide fades away, and the next fades in. However, if you drag the timeline thingy, this fade happens all ok, however, ctrl+enter to test the movie, or publish it and play it the swf player…one part of the first slide doesnt fade out, it stays there in the background.

Its seperate from the rest of the slide in terms of not been all one image or whatever, its text, but i cant edit it (if that makes sense?).

I can delete it, by clicking and double clicking around randomly till its highlighted, but then it disappears completely from the movie.

I appreciate thats probably a vague description, but any ideas on why it would appear to work in the timeline but not as a published movie?

Thanks. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]