Problem calling functions inside custom AS 2.0 class

Hey yall!
Ok here´s my gamepage, what I want to do is let a lister triggered function create a new timer, but somehow it doesn´t work. Hope anyone hava a clue, I´m so tired of these problems.

class classesUI.GamePage extends MovieClip
 private var timeKeeper:TimerExtended;//Special class
 private var roundTimes:Number;
 private var roundTimeKeeper:Number;
 private var gameTimeKeeper:Number;
 public function GamePage()
 function onLoad()
  roundTimes = 0;
  roundTimeKeeper = timeKeeper.intervalCall(1000, -1, Delegate.create(this, roundTimer));
  //This works, but I don´t want to do this here, I want to do this on onGameStartEvent();

 private function roundTimer():Void
  //This works
  roundTimes = roundTimes + 1;
  _root.mainShell.roundTimer_txt.text = "Round timer:" + roundTimes;

 public function addTimer():Void
  gameTimeKeeper = timeKeeper.intervalCall(1000, 60, Delegate.create(this, timerTick));

 public function timerTick():Void
  //this never gets triggered unless from onLoad(), why is that??
 //This function is beeing called from another class with this class registered as a listener 
 public function onGameStartEvent(newGameStartEvent:GameStartEvent)