Problem duplicating loaded movieclip

I am writing a flash application that just uses Actionscript code. The application uses information from a database to allow a user to select items that are displayed to them on-screen by loading a SWF file dynamically. All of this is working fine. When An SWF is loaded if a user clicks on the image it needs to be duplicated and the duplicate can be dragged onto another area of the screen. It is here that I am hitting a brick wall.

I have tried using the duplicateDisplayObject() code from senocular with no success. It appears to duplicate something because I can see in the debugger that the numChildren value of the Sprite to which I am adding the duplicate increases, but nothing is displayed on the screen. Is this because it is a dynamically loaded movieClip? Do I need to be adding to the library in some way so that it can be instantiated? If I do how would I do that since I can’t find any reference to it in any of the books I have or searching I have done?

I have created a code snippet to show the problem:

package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;

    public class test extends Sprite {

            public var currentAssembly = new Sprite;
            public var currentAssemblyLoader:Loader = new Loader();
            public var currentAssemblyURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
            public function test():void {
                    currentAssemblyLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, assemblyLoaded, false, 0, true);
                    currentAssemblyLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loadProgress, false, 0, true);
                    currentAssemblyLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError, false, 0, true);
                    currentAssemblyLoader.load(new URLRequest("") );
            public function assemblyLoaded(evt:Event):void {        
                    var theSWF:DisplayObject =;
                    currentAssembly.x = 10;
                    currentAssembly.y = 10;
                    currentAssembly.scaleX = .5;
                    currentAssembly.scaleY = .5;
                    currentAssembly.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, currentAssemblyMouseClick, false, 0 , true);

            function currentAssemblyMouseClick(evt:Event):void {
                    var copy:DisplayObject = duplicateDisplayObject(currentAssembly);
                    copy.x = 50;
                    copy.y = 50;

            public function duplicateDisplayObject(target:DisplayObject):DisplayObject {
                    // create duplicate
                    var targetClass:Class = Object(target).constructor;
                    var duplicate:DisplayObject = new targetClass();
                    // duplicate properties
                    duplicate.transform = target.transform;
                    duplicate.filters = target.filters;
                    duplicate.cacheAsBitmap = target.cacheAsBitmap;
                    duplicate.opaqueBackground = target.opaqueBackground;
                    if (target.scale9Grid) {
                            var rect:Rectangle = target.scale9Grid;
                            // WAS Flash 9 bug where returned scale9Grid is 20x larger than assigned
                            // rect.x /= 20, rect.y /= 20, rect.width /= 20, rect.height /= 20;
                            duplicate.scale9Grid = rect;
                    return duplicate;

            public function loadProgress(evt:ProgressEvent):void {
            public function onIOError(evt:IOErrorEvent):void {
                    trace("Unable to load data.");


The duplicateDisplayObject function has been edited to remove the auto-add feature. If you place breakpoints at the trace statements in the assemblyLoaded and currentAssemblyMouseClick functions you will see that this.numChildren is 1 at the first breakpooint and increases by 1 for each click on the graphic. Something is being added but nothing new is being displayed.

I have been hacking at this for two days now and am pretty frustrated as this can’t be something that is unusual to do. What am I missing?

Is it relevant hat the moviclips I am loading are vector graphics created by importing an Adobe Illustrator file into Flash and then exporting the file to create an SWF?

A supplementary question is about where the object actually is? Let’s say that I load an SWF and add it (using addChild) to a movieClip called firstMC. Lets’ say that I have a second movieClip called secondMC that I want to move the loaded SWF to. How do I do this in such a way that I can unload the variables used to originally load the movie clip (so that I can load another using the same functions) without the movieclip disappearing from view? Everything I have tried in this respect has been fruitless.