Problem in passing variable from Flash to aspx page

Hi all this is my first post.:slight_smile:
So this is what I am doing:
There is one Flash movie file and one aspx page.I am trying to send one variable from Flash to aspx page(this sent value has to be displayed in a textbox on aspx page).And aspx page will return three variables to flash(which has to be displayed in Flash).
I have embedded the Flash moviw on aspx page.
I am able to get the three variables passed from aspx to Flash.but i am not able to receive the variavle that is passed from Flash to ASPX page.
Flash :Flash CSE fla developed in actionscript 2.0
ASP.NET:MS Visual Studio 2005
Flash Code:

//hit is name of the movie clip
 var username:String;
 var get_from_aspx = new LoadVars();
 var send_to_aspx = new LoadVars();
 //var_name is the 'var' field name of the input text box in Flash
 send_to_aspx.username = var_name;
 send_to_aspx.sendAndLoad("<A href="http://localhost:3030/Flash_ASP/dotnetvar.aspx",get_from_aspx">http://localhost:3030/Flash_ASP/dotnetvar.aspx",get_from_aspx, "POST");
  //value# are the dynamic textboxes in Flash

ASPX Code:

public partial class Flash_ASP : System.Web.UI.Page 
    protected string u1;
    protected string f1;
    protected string f2;
    protected string f3;
    protected string f4;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        u1 = Request.QueryString["username"];
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            f1 = "Flash_var_1";
            f2 = "Flash_var_2";
            f3 = "Flash_var_3";
            Response.Write("flash1=" + f1);
            Response.Write("&flash2=" + f2);
            Response.Write("&flash3=" + f3);
            //txtFlashtoasp is the textbox name on aspx page
            txtFlashtoasp.Text = u1;

I am not able to display anything in txtFlashtoasp textbox.
Also, is there anyway to avoid the output of response.write() on the screen.The output from response.write() always appears just above the Flash movie and spoils the look of the page.
plzzzzz help.
Thanks in advance.;(