Problem loading XML inside switch

Hi everyone!
I’ve been working on a photo gallery using flash and xml.
The generall idea is to have ONE swl that loads one of MANY xml files.
I’m trying to select which one using a combobox.
What happens is that if I try to load the file outside the switch clause like this:

 var gallery_xml = new XML();
gallery_xml.ignoreWhite = true;

it works just fine!

But if I do it inside the switch like this:

case 1 :
var gallery_xml = new XML();
gallery_xml.ignoreWhite = true;

it just doesn’t work!
I’ve done a trace inside the case to check that it gets there and it does, so I’m out of ideas… :frowning:

Anyone have any idea why this doesn’t work?

Thks in advance :wink: