Hello everyone,
I have been trying to fix a specific problem with a couple of flash buttons I am trying to utilize in my site that I wish them to target a specific frame.
I have searched google, tutorials, manuals, forums, on-line helps… I have found a million references to the same problem and a million “suggestions” which seem to magically work for others …but not for me.
I have tried:
[*]In button[/LIST] on (release) {
** getURL(“Main1.html”, “Center_Frame”); **
on (release) {
** getURL(“Main1.html”, Center_Frame); **
[*]In frame[/LIST] button1.onPress = function ()
** getURL(“Main1.html”, “Center_Frame”);**
button2.onRelease = function ()
** getURL(“Main1.html”, target=“Center_Frame”);**
I have tried changing the frame names, I have checked a million times the names, ids, titles in html code…
I have tried:
<param name=“allowScriptAccess” value=“always” />
<param name=“allowScriptAccess” value=" sameDomain" />
It always opens a new window displaying the Main1.html.
Same behaviour in Firefox (2.0) & IE (7.0).
The funny thing is that the flush button from Dreamweaver works exactly as I want it but I cannot get it to display Greek characters that I want.
I am using Dreamweaver & Flash 8.
Any advice is more than welcome.:puzzle:
Thank you.