So here’s my plight:
I have a parent movie that loads a swf(events.swf) file into a movie clip with an instance name of container. ([color=darkgreen]container.loadMovie(“events.swf”);[/color]) It loads fine and seems to work great.
events.swf has a movie clip inside of it called design_mc that contains the content. In that movie clip I have a button that needs to target the parent movie and tell it to [color=darkgreen]gotoAndPlay(“eventsout”);[/color] which is on the _root of the parent movie. However, anything I try will not target the parent movie. I’ve tried [color=darkgreen]_parent[/color], [color=darkgreen]_parent._parent[/color], [color=darkgreen]_root[/color], and even assigning the parent [color=darkgreen]movie this._lockroot = true;[/color] . Nothing seems to target the parent movie. I’ve searched all over and I can’t find a solution to this problem.