Problem wit this animation - Tell Target

Its been long since my last post.

OK!! my Problem
I have a map ( interactive map )
One small map and one big map…
When u Drag the pointer on the small map it Reflects on the BIG map.
Now the problem is iam not getting the related detail if i click on the big map…

How do i Do it…
I have use tell target …but seems that iam going wrong somewere…plz some one help me out


Theres no need for using Tell target,

I just specified the absolute path to “p” and set the visibility to true again (not gotoAndPlay() :thumb:)

_root.p._visible = true

I’d do it in quite another way though, make a textfield instead of the MovieClip “p”, and fill the textfield with new text, (depending on thee location which is clicked)
Otherwise you’ll need to create MovieClips like “p” for all the locations… :frowning:

Anyway, here’s the .fla


Thankx a million Greetzz, Eric Jr.
One more thing
I have many text according to the map…links…so how can i make in a dynamic text…

Like i should have only one dynamic Text and related to link the text should change…dynamicaly…

can anyone help me in this…plz


Just put a dynamic textfield in the main timeline, and give it an instance name. ‘p’ will do, cause you need to remove the other movieclip anyway.

Then on the ‘post’-button click, do this:

_root.p.text = 'This is the details for post!';

(Set the dynamic textfield to multiline)

NO!!! NO!! that i know to do!!

i think u dint get me…

Wat i want is where ever my link is the details should change according to the link…suppose i take my mouse pointer to post the details should change below accordingly.

like we did, but instead of making so many MC for details can i have one DYNAMIC FIRS where the text changes as that of the LINK…
Iam unable to do it…

CAN u help

*Originally posted by Eric Jr. *
**Just put a dynamic textfield in the main timeline, and give it an instance name. ‘p’ will do, cause you need to remove the other movieclip anyway.

Then on the ‘post’-button click, do this:

_root.p.text = 'This is the details for post!';


Isn’t this exactly what I am saying, look, if you get the above to work, and you say you can. You can also do that with another button.

Just place a button on the big map, on the school for instance, and give the button these actions:

_root.p.text = "This is the details for school!";

See how I you can put it in the same textfield. (_root.p)

if this is not what you mean I’m such a moron:sure:


u been a great HELP