hello all.
i am currently working on a project in as3 (flash cs4) and i’m getting more and more frustrated with the disply of fonts in a dynamic textfield.
the fonts used are selfmade by a friend (it’s her diploma). they work perfectly fine in any common programm (indesign, illustrator and so on) and the kerning looks just as it should. even in flash’s static textfields the font is displayed correctly using it’s own kerning/ metrics.
but for this project i need the text to be displayed dynamic because it is to be changed by the user during runtime. and this is where it gets odd (at least to me). the fonts kerning/metrics are completely ignored and the fonts are displayed with rather big gaps between each letter. all fonts have been embeded, the names are set correctly, kerning is turned on — i’ve tried a lot, searched a lot, but with no result.
i’ve attached an image to show you the difference in the textfields:
the first textfield is static and the kerning is perfectly fine. the second textfield is dynamic and you can clearly see the difference.
if by any chance i have missed out a post that already points to a solution or an article that explains why this occurs i would be very thankfull if you could point me in the right direction. any thoughts on this would be very appreciated.
thanks in advance.