Problem with a menu! Urgent!

I’m having some problems with this menu, as i’ll try to explain.

The user enters in the website, with 4 menu buttons. One of them is a hierarquical menu and the other 3 are normal buttons. When the user enters the website,it goes to a page with a fade animation of the text, but when i click on one other button this text should fade out and then pass to the choosen link.

The problem is that, i can’t make a way of fading out this text and then pass to the page choosen by the user.

i’ve tryed to use this kind of code… but it doesn’t make what i want:

on (release){
if (_parent.temp._visible=true){
} else if (_parent.tcontactos._visible=true){
For each section, i’ve enter the following code:


It is directed to each part, as it changes if it’s the company, contacts or products, being visible.

The buttons i’ve got are Company, Products and Contacts, which i want to make this system work on.

On the “Out2” it makes the fade out of the text as well in “Out”, but i can’t make the difference for which button the user selected. The gotoAndStop(87) just makes the menu returning to it self.

I’ve uploaded the file to this link, if it helps anyway:

Please give me a help… i’m sure needing it very much!

Thank you in advance!

Hey I’m not exactly sure what you meant, but this might help. You want the txt to fade out when you go to another section. this may help.

It involes a txt file. which you will have to include in the same directory as your swf. anyway. the txt file is called “dr1__fade.txt”

  1. call the txt file in your 1st frame

    #include “dr1__fade.txt”

  2. have a movieclip cover your txt(the same size or bigger), most likey white. Give it an instance (name) and put this code (in the desired keyframe) whenever you want it to fade in or out.

/// to make it fade out:
////(substitute “this” for the name of your movieclip)

/// to make it fade in:
////(substitute “this” for the name of your movieclip)

///or you can just put the code on the movieclip and have it run once
onClipEvent( load ) {

//the values, (5, 100) are for speed and percentage of the fade.

What’s cool about this is that it’ll refade evrytime so, you’ll get a glimse of the txt everytime. or you can fade out multple movieclips at the same time with different speeds.

I’ve attached the txt file, but will place it itne the body of this email just in case. if you copy and paste the code from this e-mail remember to name the txt file you create “dr1__fade.txt”

good luck.

Here is the txt file code:

// This is a prototype to make ALL your MovieClips possible to fade IN or OUT easily!!
// Parameters:
// $fade (“in” or “out”)
// $af (1 to 99) it is the speed of fade
// $alph (0 to 100) it is the initial alpha state of your MovieClip
// Usage:
// movieClip.fade( “in”, 10, 0 );

MovieClip.prototype.fade = function( $fade, $af, $alpha ) {
if( $alpha == undefined )
$alpha = this._alpha;
this._alpha = $alpha;

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
	switch( $fade ) {
		case 'in':	this._alpha += $af;
		case 'out': this._alpha -= $af;

	if( this._alpha <= 0 ) {
		this._alpha = 0;
		delete this.onEnterFrame;
	} else if( this._alpha >= 100 ) {
		this._alpha = 100;
		delete this.onEnterFrame;


do you mean an external link. Or a different key frame. for that you just need a


//or whatever frame you want.

action. that will make the movie go to the desired frame and and halt.

Also your drop downs are a little slow. some popel are very impatient on the internet. Mabey you could speed them up. I recommend using code.
but i don’t know how you have it set up.

good luck.


Thank you for your help. The help you gave me is precious. But i see I did explain myself in the wrong way, probably.:afro:

I’ve got those menus the problem it’s the following:

If i’m on the Empresa menu, how can i build a system in buttons or movieclip, to click wherever I want the text containing in the menu fades out… and only after the menu fades out, i’ll pass to the choosen menu? :hangover:

I think i’ve expressed myself better this time! Anyway, thank you gor your precious help and time C:-)