Problem with Class variable

hopefully someone can help me out here… I’m having trouble calling a variable in a custom Class. I have the variable defined as a Number and calling it as a parameter in the main class function. when i trace it from the main function is returns the correct value, but when i call it again from another function, it returns undefined… the weird thing is that i have another parameter from that same function being called outside of the main class function and that on works! wth

the imageNumber var is the problem.

here’s the script:

class MenuButton extends MovieClip 
    var target : MovieClip;
    var target2 : MovieClip;
    var btnText : String;
    var imageNumber : Number;
    var textLabel : MovieClip;
    var btnName : TextField;
    var imgLoader : MovieClip;
    var txtString : String;
    function MenuButton (target, target2, btnText, imageNumber)
    { = target;
        this.target2 = target2;
        this.btnText = btnText;
        this.imageNumber = imageNumber; = this.btnText;
        trace ("btnText: " + this.btnText);
        this.onRollOver = this.over;
        this.onRollOut = this.out;
        this.onRelease = this.release;
        this.txtString = "headerImg/img" + this.imageNumber + ".jpg";
        //trace ("imageNumber: " + this.imageNumber);
        //trace ("imgURL: " + this.txtString);
    function over ()
        this.gotoAndStop ("over");
        this.target2.createEmptyMovieClip ("imgHolder");
        this._parent._parent.imgLoader.loadMovie (this.txtString);
        trace ("imageNumber: " + this.imageNumber);
        trace ("imgURL: " + this.txtString);
    function out()
        this.gotoAndStop ("start")
    function release()
        this.getURL ("http://URL/" + this._name + ".html");

just as an added measure, i tried coding the txtString var as just a straight line of text(without adding the this.imageNumber result) and when i call it in the “over” function, it works. but for some reason as soon as i add the imageNumber var into the equation it will both vars (txtString and imageNumber) return “undefined”

any help would be greatly appreciated… thanks