Okay, here’s the deal. I have this flash intro for a site of mine, but once I added music to the intro, it became a sizeable file and required a preloader. This is where I have run into problems. It seems that for some reason the expression I put in to make the movie wait to play goes unnoticed, and the movie continues right along, pausing in the middle because it didn’t finish preloading. ( I used
I then tried incorporating the preloader smart clip that I found as an example on the macromedia website. I saw how it worked, then changed the clip to use my art before the example movie, and it worked fine. Then, when I put it into my movie, the same non-load problem occured! What is going on here??
I am really not too font of the _totalframes method of preloading movies. It doesn’t seem that accurate to me.
There are about 3 preloader tutorials on this site. You can use the text box in the upper right hand corner of this site to run a search for them, but if you do that, I warn you now… DO NOT USE THE PRELOADER COMPONENT… have a nice day :crazy:
And for the record, I’m a little tired of people saying this or that isn’t a good way without giving an explanation why or at least another alternative besides “go check the search box” (which is what I just did to arrive at this).
It’s no wonder that this poor guy never came back.
When you’ve been trying to figure something out and you get very frustrated, an answer like this doesn’t help very much.
_totalframes type preloaders go by what frame is loaded up to and therefore your whole file may not actually be loaded as far as bytes goes. This can cause lagging in your movie until your full movie actually loads. Where if you use a preloader that uses getBytesLoaded() and getBytesTotal() your preloader goes by your file size and not the frame amount.
Any help?
and BTW: I said to check the textbox search in the corner, you can search for preloaders or preload or whatever and come up with the multiple preloader tutorials that kirupa.com has that offer different methods with explanations. And the search button on the forum will return a ton of results because we get about 52 preloader questions a day.