Can someone help me with the following issue?
Im loading a guestbook with php in my main flash movie, by pressing a button with this as attached to it:
on (release) {[/left]
loadMovieNum("guestbook.swf", 4);
It doesn’t work correctly then, but when i use this actionscript:
on (release) {
loadMovieNum("guestbook.swf", 0);
It works fine, but then my main movie has dissapeared because im using “, 0”
This is my code on the send message button from the guestbook form:
on (release) {
if (Name eq "") {
_root.Status = "Vul uw naam in AUB";
} else if (Email eq "") {
_root.Status = "Vul een e-mail adres in AUB";
} else if (Website eq "") {
_root.Status = "vul tekst in AUB...";
} else {
Submit = "Yes";
NumHigh = 10;
NumLow = 0;
_root.GuestBook = "Wordt geschreven en nieuwe berichten worden geladen... ";
loadVariablesNum ("GuestBook.php", 0, "POST");
_root.Status = "Je bericht is toegelaten. Je zal het zo meteen zien";
gotoAndPlay (2);
Does someone know what to change or do to make it work?
Many thx