LoadVariables problem?!

Oke, I hope I can explain this clearly enough…

I have a guestbook. Using flash & php.
I use my main.swf to load my guestbook.swf, using loadmovie.

If I do so, my guestbook won’t work. It won’t evenload my guestbook.php

If I go to the direct guestbook.swf (without main.swf) it works just fine.

I can’t seem to find the problem.




_root.knoppenbalk.knop8.onRelease = function() {
	if (_root.section != "gastenboek.swf") {
		_root.section = "gastenboek.swf";

GUESTBOOK.SWF (gastenboek.swf in Dutch)

 NumLow = 0;
NumHigh = 10;
loadVariables("<A href="http://www.*MYURL*.nl/GuestBook.php?NumLow="+NumLow+"&NumHigh="+NumHigh+"&R="+random(999">http://www.*MYURL*.nl/GuestBook.php?NumLow="+NumLow+"&NumHigh="+NumHigh+"&R="+random(999), _self);
wis.onRelease = function() {
	Name = "";
	Email = "";
	Website = "";
	Comments = "";
verstuur.onRelease = function() {
	if (Name eq "") {
		Status = "Please enter your name";
	} else if (Email eq "") {
		Status = "Please enter email Address";
	} else if (Website eq "") {
		Status = "Please enter the URL to your website";
	} else {
		Submit = "Yes";
		NumHigh = 10;
		NumLow = 0;
		GuestBook = "Processing.. Loading New... ";
		loadVariables("GuestBook.php?Name="+Name+"&Email="+Email+"&Website="+Website+"&Comments="+Comments, _parent, "POST");
		Status = "Your entry has been submitted. You should see your comments appear immediatly";

for your information:
wis = mc which triggers the sending
verstuur = mc which empties the fields
name, email, website, comments are inputsfields var names.

I’m really frustrated so I you guys/girls could help me out. THANX.