Problem with htmlText and uiscrollbar?


I am having some trouble with a dynamic html-enabled textfield and the uiscrollbar component.

I created a dynamic textfield on the stage, named it “mytext”. Enable it for HTML and make it multiline.

I added this action:


The html shows up just fine. I add a uiscrollbar to it. It is definitely targeted for “mytext”. Now when I test it I get:


in the textbox instead. When I trace mytext.htmlText, I get the correct HTML but it just doesn’t show up. When I shorten my content so that the UIscrollbar isn’t necessary, the HTML is again displayed correctly.

Now if I update the code to say instead:


it actually does work, but I don’t want to do that because I’m trying to embed a movieclip inside the textfield, and to do so, it needs to be htmlText. When I trace mytext.htmlText after this I get “undefined”.

Can anyone help? I’ve tried to google the issue but found nothing. Is it just something really simple I didn’t think of?
