Problem with menu

after my site loads and all the animation is done i try to click on the link on the menu and i get this error message.

Target not found: Target=“block” Base="_level0"

Please help i have been trying to get this to work for a while


try loading it into a movie or maybe your instance is wrong what is block?? a movie clip??? and if you load it into level 0 whatever is on level 0 will be replaced with the new movie so maybe change the level to level 1 or load it into a empty movie clip

Here’s what I always do when it comes to loading movieclips… I assume that’s what you are trying to do.

for whatever triggers the action ( I’ll assume it’s a button )

I put in

_root.instancename.loadMovie (“externalmovie.swf”);

Now the only thing that you need to make sure is that you have an empty movie clip placed on your main timeline and that you made sure you typed in the instance name. I always place this empty clip at coordonate 0,0 and the external movie is always the same size as my main stage so they overlap seemlessly.

Kirupa’s tutorial on full flashsite really helpsto make sense of it all.

hope it helps ask away if you need more.
