Problem with nested movie clip

Hi, I have a small problem. I have a parent animated movie clip, which is moving around while the nested movie clip is moving around, too. The problem is when the parent clip stops moving (its animation is done moving) the nested movie clip starts its animation one more time.

The parent mc is moving up because it switches pages - the new page comes from the bottom and the old page moves up. Every page is pakaged into a separate symbol. According to the button from the menu the parent mc loads a movie clip symbol. One of the symbols is this child mc, which consists of blank symbol where the images are loaded dynamicly. Basicly the problem is when I switch to the problem page it starts to load the images before the parent mc gets rid of the old page (it still moves) and when the parent mc stops pushing the old page up, the child mc loads the images one more time. This is the problem, hope I described it properly…

In the child mc I use loadMovie to load a.swf file which contains the images and I have a stop() actionscript.