i have been trying to fix this problem for 2 days now and i cant find any solutions please help. anyone !!! my site isnt live but is up for testing purposes at www.tunnelvisionstudios.com
i have made a photography section of my flash site. each photograph <png> was converted to a button with the action <on release go to and stop on> the next frame with a picture. the tall photos are h:500xw:301 pixels and wide photos are at h:333xw:500 pixels.
the problem i am having is when i set the main flash movie called main.swf in html to 100%x100% instead of 1280x768 it obviously skews the photo gallery.swf that is being loaded into main.swf and makes the photos pixelated and choppy.
is there a way i can keep the photo gallery.swf keep its resolution and form within the main.swf?
i hope this question makes any sense. i have just started using flash about 2 months ago and love it to death but i still dont know much at all about its capabilities. my website is posted at the top here for reference. thanx.