Problem with transition rotate

Hello all, I got the following code which does more or less what I want to:

import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.motion.easing.*;

var banner2:Tween = new Tween(banner1MC, "y", Linear.easeIn, -90, 55, 2, true);

var timer1:Timer = new Timer(1,1);
var banner1:TransitionManager = new TransitionManager(banner1MC);

timer1.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, shakeLeft);

function shakeLeft(e:Event):void {
    banner1.startTransition({type:Rotate, direction:Transition.OUT, duration:0.5, easing:Linear.easeIn, ccw:true, degrees:6});
    banner1.addEventListener("allTransitionsOutDone", shakeRight);

function shakeRight(e:Event):void {
    banner1.removeEventListener("allTransitionsOutDone", shakeRight);
    banner1.startTransition({type:Rotate, direction:Transition.OUT, duration:0.5, easing:Linear.easeOut, ccw:false, degrees:12});
    banner1.addEventListener("allTransitionsOutDone", shakeLeft1);

function shakeLeft1(e:Event):void {
    banner1.removeEventListener("allTransitionsOutDone", shakeLeft1);
    banner1.startTransition({type:Rotate, direction:Transition.OUT, duration:0.5, easing:Linear.easeOut, ccw:true, degrees:6});

The problem is that after a rotation is finished, the movieclip resets to its starting position. There is no smooth transition back, and when I try to do that with a second transition like in function “shakeRight” it still doesn’t work. I also can’t explain all the flashing after each rotation.

In case you wonder what kind of weird thing I’m trying to do: it’s basically supposed to be a box which falls down, where first the bottom left corner moves down, and then the bottm right corner etc.

I’m also definitely open for other suggestions to make an effect like this since I’m pretty new to AS3 (and no, I don’t want to use timeline based tweens anymore :crying:). Thanks!